Welcome to my Gardening Blog.

In October of 2012 I moved from Anaheim CA to the Mojave Desert. So the older posts will reflect my gardening before the move, and my newer ones are after the move. Now that I have a huge yard and sandy soil (the opposite of what I had in Anaheim), I have to learn how to adapt.

Sunday, July 30, 2006

The Tomatoes are Winning

I just tackled my weed-ridden bug-infested garden. It's been too hot to pick the tomatoes for over a week, so I had to take advantage of the cool morning and just get out there and do it. I quickly became hot, sweaty and itchy so I went back inside to beg my boyfriend to help me. While I picked and handed them off to him, he put the good ones in a bowl and the buggy ones in the trash. We filled 2 large bowls. I also pulled weeds as I went. Finally, I couldn't see any more red blobs, so I ran for the shower. There is something about tomato plants that makes me itch like crazy. And the weedy grass is going to seed and those awful pods stick to all fabrics and break into tiny bits so you can't get them off, not even in a the washer. Anyway we filled 2 giant bowls with regular and cherry tomatoes. So later this afternoon I'll be making spaghetti sauce out of at least half of them.

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