Welcome to my Gardening Blog.

In October of 2012 I moved from Anaheim CA to the Mojave Desert. So the older posts will reflect my gardening before the move, and my newer ones are after the move. Now that I have a huge yard and sandy soil (the opposite of what I had in Anaheim), I have to learn how to adapt.

Sunday, June 16, 2013

Hummingbird Feeder Made From a Bottle

Today I finished the hummingbird feeder I was making from a green bottle that my friend Rebecca gave me. I used copper wire to make a sling for it. I ordered the feeding tube off of Ebay, and I decorated the tube with a flower from the dollar store. I wasn't sure if the wind was going to drain all the nectar out of it.  So I had to stabilize  it with another piece of twine. I was thrilled when a tiny hummingbird drank from it for the first time. I thought hitting a moving target might prove too challenging, but the bird seemed to be drinking four or fives times from it, then off it flew. So far so good.

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